An uplifting video about Health, Passion and Love

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In 2008, Roger set a goal to lose weight, get healthy and run in the Boston Marathon. He is doing this not just for himself but also for his niece who was born with Cystic Fibrosis. His quest was to raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis, along with raising money for research into the treatment and cure of this heartbreaking disease. This video is about his incredible journey at age 47. He has managed to changed from being an obese person to become a marathon runner.

On November 6, 2011 Roger ran the New York City Marathon. It was his 12th marathon in the 2.5 years since he ran the 2009 Boston Marathon.

This video will always give me the positive motivation. It is my desire and his that this video reaches as many people as possible. If you care, please help to share this video with your family and friends as well as to raise the awareness about Cystic Fibrosis. Many thanks.